

The 最靠谱的网赌软件 网络安全学院 has received funding from the National Science Foundation's CyberCorps® 服务奖学金 (SFS) initiative to create the Cyber LeADERS Scholars program. In partnership with Virginia Peninsula Community College and Tidewater Community College (TCC), ODU's 网络安全学院 will provide selected students the opportunity to receive 2-3 years of support. Students receiving the scholarship must work for the federal government in select cybersecurity positions for the same number of years for which they received scholarship support.

学生将参与与领导相关的应用经验, 学术实习, diversity, entrepreneurship, 服务学习. Students will also have the opportunity to create an ePortfolio documenting their learning and highlighting their skills.

Modeled after ODU's LeADERS program, the applied learning experiences and coursework completed by the scholarship recipients will ensure their preparation and success in a wide range of cybersecurity government careers.

Cyber Security


  • TCC和VPCC网络安全学生 谁打算转到ODU的网络安全学士课程. Funding will be provided in the student's last year at the community college and for two years at ODU.
  • ODU网络安全学生 in their junior and senior year (up to two years of scholarship support will be provided).
  • ODU网络安全学生 interested in earning the BS and MS in cybersecurity (up to three years of scholarship support will be provided).
  • ODU研究生 enrolled full-time in the MS in cybersecurity program (up to two years of scholarship support will be provided).



  • 学费(州内)和其他费用
  • 每年津贴(本科生27,000美元,研究生37,000美元)
  • 每年的书本津贴
  • 专业发展津贴(6美元),学生可以用这笔钱参加强制性的SFS招聘会, travel, 书籍和专业证书

*Note that funding from the SFS program replaces any state or 最靠谱的网赌软件 institutional scholarships or financial aid where a student's total cost of attendance is surpassed.


  • A U.S. 公民或永久居民.

  • 在奖学金期间全日制注册.

  • 能够在ODU的主校区上课.

  • An ODU cybersecurity undergraduate junior or senior or a Master's student in Fall 2021 or a student in the last year of an AAS program in Fall 2021 and earning a transferable associate's degree at Tidewater Community College or Virginia Peninsula Community College who has signed an intent to transfer form to attend ODU as a cybersecurity student in Fall 2022.

  • Able to secure federal employment and, if needed, successfully obtain a security clearance.


  • 平均绩点保持在3分以上.20.

  • 参加ODU领导者计划.

  • 开发和维护电子档案.

  • 成功完成联邦授权的网络安全实习, state, 每年夏天,学生都会在当地机构注册参加该项目.

  • 参加正在进行的网络安全学院活动,包括研讨会, mentoring sessions, advising programs, the Office of Personnel and Management's (OPM) annual CyberCorps™ 服务奖学金 Job Fair, 以及英联邦网络倡议的年度实习博览会.

  • Refrain from employment during the course of the scholarship so that full attention can be given to completing the requirements of the program.

  • 签署CyberCorps®:服务奖学金(SFS)服务协议.

  • 完整的责任及义务确认表格.

  • 至少完成以下两项:


CYSE 494/595(网络安全创业)

✓ An independent research project supervised by a faculty member (for-credit or non- credit)



  • Seek and obtain a full-time position with the federal government and complete service with that agency for a minimum of the same number of years as the scholarship award. For instance, 如果学生获得奖学金两年, 学生将有义务完成两年的联邦工作.


* Students who withdraw or fail to meet their obligations to the ODU Cyber LeADERS 服务奖学金 program will be required to repay the amount they received by their scholarship to an educational loan.

  • 显示工作经验的简历, skills, coursework, 课外活动, and honors/awards.

  • 写一份三页的个人陈述. 这份声明应该告诉读者你对网络安全的兴趣, 之前的课程对你参加ODU网络领袖项目有何帮助, 你的职业目标, 哪些机构对你最有吸引力. 还要包括你对政府工作感兴趣的原因, giving a specific focus to the way that your career goals align with service ideals. More precisely, the statement should explain why you are interested in this program and how you know you are willing to commit to federal employment at this stage of your academic career.

  • 两封教员的推荐信. 雇主的其他信件也可以包括在内.

  • For TCC and VPCC 申请社区大学二年级的学生, 提交金·佩雷斯的证明信, kperez@tcc.edu (TCC)或Michael Mann, mannm@tncc.edu (VPCC).

  • 至少两个人的最靠谱的网赌软件,他们可以描述你的技能, potential, 以及为政府工作的承诺.

  • 所有大学的非正式成绩单复印件. 如果选择,将需要正式副本.

  • 为课堂或项目而写的论文中的写作范例.

  • 使用此链接申请 数码队服务申请奖学金

The 2024-2025 application opens on October 15, 2023 and closes on January 31, 2024.

Q: 我在哪里可以了解更多关于服务奖学金计划的信息?

答:人事管理局(OPM) 服务奖学金 Program website includes additional details and information for future and current students.

Q: What type of information is considered in background checks and granting clearance for federal positions?

A:政府使用 SF-86 form 对国家安全职位进行背景调查.

Q: 如果我想换专业怎么办?

A. If you do not graduate with a degree in cybersecurity and work for the federal government for the required amount of time, 你需要偿还在奖学金中获得的所有资金.

Q: 如果我不确定是否想为联邦政府工作怎么办?

A: You should not apply for the Cyber LeADERS Scholars program if you are not committed to working for the federal government.

Q: 哪些机构能满足我的服务要求?

A:这是一份资格清单 Federal Executive & 非执行机构.

Q: What Institution should I use when applying for this program if I am a TCC or TNCC student?

A1: If you are a student starting your final year at TCC or TNCC in the ITS or cybersecurity program you will list TCC or TNCC as your institution. This will provide you with three years of funding - 1 year at the community college and 2 years at ODU.

A2: If you are a student in your final semester at TCC or TNCC and you plan to transfer to ODU for the fall semester you will list ODU as your institution. You will be considered an ODU student since you finished your associate degree prior to transferring and you will receive two years of funding as an ODU junior and senior.


  • A U.S. 公民或永久居民.

  • 在奖学金期间全日制注册.

  • 能够在ODU的主校区上课.

  • An ODU cybersecurity undergraduate junior or senior or a Master's student in Fall 2021 or a student in the last year of an AAS program in Fall 2021 and earning a transferable associate's degree at Tidewater Community College or Virginia Peninsula Community College who has signed an intent to transfer form to attend ODU as a cybersecurity student in Fall 2022.

  • Able to secure federal employment and, if needed, successfully obtain a security clearance.


  • 平均绩点保持在3分以上.20.

  • 参加ODU领导者计划.

  • 开发和维护电子档案.

  • 成功完成联邦授权的网络安全实习, state, 每年夏天,学生都会在当地机构注册参加该项目.

  • 参加正在进行的网络安全学院活动,包括研讨会, mentoring sessions, advising programs, the Office of Personnel and Management's (OPM) annual CyberCorps™ 服务奖学金 Job Fair, 以及英联邦网络倡议的年度实习博览会.

  • Refrain from employment during the course of the scholarship so that full attention can be given to completing the requirements of the program.

  • 签署CyberCorps®:服务奖学金(SFS)服务协议.

  • 完整的责任及义务确认表格.

  • 至少完成以下两项:


CYSE 494/595(网络安全创业)

✓ An independent research project supervised by a faculty member (for-credit or non- credit)



  • Seek and obtain a full-time position with the federal government and complete service with that agency for a minimum of the same number of years as the scholarship award. For instance, 如果学生获得奖学金两年, 学生将有义务完成两年的联邦工作.


* Students who withdraw or fail to meet their obligations to the ODU Cyber LeADERS 服务奖学金 program will be required to repay the amount they received by their scholarship to an educational loan.

  • 显示工作经验的简历, skills, coursework, 课外活动, and honors/awards.

  • 写一份三页的个人陈述. 这份声明应该告诉读者你对网络安全的兴趣, 之前的课程对你参加ODU网络领袖项目有何帮助, 你的职业目标, 哪些机构对你最有吸引力. 还要包括你对政府工作感兴趣的原因, giving a specific focus to the way that your career goals align with service ideals. More precisely, the statement should explain why you are interested in this program and how you know you are willing to commit to federal employment at this stage of your academic career.

  • 两封教员的推荐信. 雇主的其他信件也可以包括在内.

  • For TCC and VPCC 申请社区大学二年级的学生, 提交金·佩雷斯的证明信, kperez@tcc.edu (TCC)或Michael Mann, mannm@tncc.edu (VPCC).

  • 至少两个人的最靠谱的网赌软件,他们可以描述你的技能, potential, 以及为政府工作的承诺.

  • 所有大学的非正式成绩单复印件. 如果选择,将需要正式副本.

  • 为课堂或项目而写的论文中的写作范例.

  • 使用此链接申请 数码队服务申请奖学金

The 2024-2025 application opens on October 15, 2023 and closes on January 31, 2024.

Q: 我在哪里可以了解更多关于服务奖学金计划的信息?

答:人事管理局(OPM) 服务奖学金 Program website includes additional details and information for future and current students.

Q: What type of information is considered in background checks and granting clearance for federal positions?

A:政府使用 SF-86 form 对国家安全职位进行背景调查.

Q: 如果我想换专业怎么办?

A. If you do not graduate with a degree in cybersecurity and work for the federal government for the required amount of time, 你需要偿还在奖学金中获得的所有资金.

Q: 如果我不确定是否想为联邦政府工作怎么办?

A: You should not apply for the Cyber LeADERS Scholars program if you are not committed to working for the federal government.

Q: 哪些机构能满足我的服务要求?

A:这是一份资格清单 Federal Executive & 非执行机构.

Q: What Institution should I use when applying for this program if I am a TCC or TNCC student?

A1: If you are a student starting your final year at TCC or TNCC in the ITS or cybersecurity program you will list TCC or TNCC as your institution. This will provide you with three years of funding - 1 year at the community college and 2 years at ODU.

A2: If you are a student in your final semester at TCC or TNCC and you plan to transfer to ODU for the fall semester you will list ODU as your institution. You will be considered an ODU student since you finished your associate degree prior to transferring and you will receive two years of funding as an ODU junior and senior.

The 2024-2025 application opens on October 15, 2023 and closes on January 31, 2024.

The application is available using this link – 数码队服务申请奖学金.

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