
最靠谱的网赌软件已经获得批准建立供应链学院, 物流, and Maritime Operations from the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV), a move that will enhance ODU’s coordination of maritime-related programming and research and optimize regional economic development in the supply chain and maritime industry.

新的学术单位将于10月10日到位. 1, 2023.

该学院建立在该大学以海事为重点的倡议的传统之上, 包括国际海事组织, Ports and 物流 Institute created more than 30 years ago in the 斯特罗姆商学院.

学校将支持的工作 海事协会,由布莱恩·奥巴马总统批准. Hemphill, Ph值.D., 2021年11月. 该联盟旨在促进和扩大ODU的海洋相关资源, and support the workforce and research needs of several industries – naval and defense, 造船和修理, 商业运输, 港口和海上供应链, 海上风电等.

“The establishment of this school is another significant step forward in our efforts to be not just a regional leader, 而是这个关键领域的全国乃至全球开拓者,亨普希尔总统说. “这所学校 will prepare our students to enter the workforce ready to take on the jobs that are vital for our national defense and our regional economy.”

这所学校, which will be located in 创新 研究 Park 1 on Monarch Way and housed under the Office of Academic Affairs, ,以提高大学供应链的知名度和认知度, 物流和海事项目.

“The establishment of this school is another significant step forward in our efforts to be not just a regional leader, 而是这个关键领域的全国乃至全球开拓者.——ODU总裁Brian O. Hemphill, Ph值.D.

这所学校 will use several strategies to coordinate University-wide academic programming and research initiatives. 新的学术单位将: 

  • Convene a committee to develop a strategic plan for maritime and supply chain academic and research programming. 
  • Provide an administrative structure where maritime and supply chain faculty housed in existing departments can be offered joint appointments between the school and the home department.
  • 支持M-Collaborative, a gathering of faculty and researchers across disciplines working on issues in maritime and supply chain.
  • Work with academic advisors and admissions representatives to ensure that all are aware of the maritime and supply chain opportunities available to students. 
  • 发展和管理促进合作研究的种子基金. 
  • Evaluate the school director based on their ability to develop and expand partnerships across campus. 

Enrollment growth is anticipated in these disciplines, especially in the graduate program.

这, 反过来, will increase the talent pool available to the regional supply chain and maritime workforce, 行业领袖表示,这是迫切需要的.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics shows the demand for workers trained in logistics is projected to increase by 30% from 2020 to 2030. 因为它靠近弗吉尼亚港, 军事基地和造船厂, ODU是该地区劳动力发展的重要合作伙伴.

“作为一名ODU校友, 行业雇主和在大学保持活跃的人, 我很高兴供应链学院的毕业生们, 物流, and Maritime Operations will have the opportunity for an education both academic and practical born out of collaboration between the University and will launch their careers in the transportation industry with a world-class degree,韦恩·科尔曼说, 总部位于诺福克的CV 国际董事长, 公司.他还是该校顾问委员会主席. “这 one-of-a-kind school in Virginia is only the beginning of a brand that will propel ODU into the spotlight not only regionally but across the nation as the place to go for your education in supply chain, 物流及海运业务.”

The programs that will reside in the school are the Master of Science degree in maritime trade and supply chain management; graduate certificate in maritime ports and logistics management; graduate certificate in supply chain management; and a minor in supply chain management.

But the school will also actively work to enhance the coordination of ODU’s many existing interdisciplinary programs and research activities. 这包括航海史证书, 海岸工程, supply chain management and spatial analysis of coastal environments; undergraduate majors in maritime trade, 海洋与地球科学, civil engineering and geography; and graduate programs in maritime trade and supply chain management, 海洋与地球科学与环境工程. It also will engage with the Coastal Center for Cyber 创新 (which includes a focus on maritime cybersecurity), 汉普顿路海事工业基地生态系统, 公海技术创新中心, 海岸适应和恢复研究所, 以及空间分析跨学科实验室, 在其他研究中心中.

这所学校 also aligns with ODU’s annual campus theme — Blue Connections — which provides funds for faculty, staff and administrators to expand their courses and research projects related maritime and supply chain.

“这所学校 responds to community needs and is positioned to become a critical part of the region’s efforts to bolster its supply chain and maritime strengths,Brian K说。. 佩恩,学术事务副教务长.

2021年11月,汉普顿路海事合作促进增长 & 创新(HRMC)发布 “汉普顿路海事创新之路” a report prepared by TEConomy Partners that identified opportunities to leverage and expand the region's innovation and workforce support for industry partners. The recommendations included building a sustainable home and brand for maritime innovation in Hampton Roads. 2022年7月, ODU hired Elspeth McMahon to serve as its inaugural associate vice president for maritime initiatives. The ODU Maritime Initiative aims to advance the University as a globally recognized institution for maritime opportunities.

“ODU准备成为一所领先的以海事为中心的大学,”麦克马洪说. “我们致力于提供先进的教育, 研究创新,推动蓝色经济. 这所学校的创建反映了我们在这个方向上的进步.”

寻找新学校首任校长的工作正在进行中. Mileta Tomovic, professor of engineering technology, is serving as the school’s interim director.