
让别人听到你的声音! 社区对话是由机构公平办公室组织的标志性活动 & 多样性. These proactive conversations are the place for your voice to be heard! We are building an inclusive community, one conversation at a time.

10月26日, The Sum of Us author Heather McGhee addressed an audience of over 140 students, 教职员工, Sentara 健康care的同事们, and community members about the intersections of justice, 歧视, 实际的变化, and the powerful growth that can come from working together.

《最靠谱的网赌软件》跟随希瑟·麦吉进行了一次越野旅行,探索了美国经济不平等的根源. Along the way she meets many people who confide in her about losing their homes, 他们的梦想, and their shot at better jobs to the toxic mix of American racism and greed. 尽管如此,麦吉还是给多元文化的美国带来了希望和同理心.

她是由机构公平和多样性办公室主持的,作为我们社区对话系列的一部分, 与君主包容性卓越工作组和森塔拉医疗保健公司的员工资源小组共同举办.


纪念黑人历史月, the Office of 机构股票 and diversity hosted "Black Fatigue: Resisting, 坚持, and Thriving" as part of its ongoing 社区的对话 series. 这个以学生为中心的项目强调了种族主义影响有色人种学生心理健康的方式,并讨论了社交媒体如何在黑人和棕色人种学生的生活中延续创伤. 2月8日, 2023, 一个小组为学生们提供了管理他们心理健康的文化上可行的方法, 设定健康界限的方法, and understanding their baseline (triggers/traumas).


  • Dr. LaConda Fanning, Director| 研究生 Medical Education| EVMS
  • Dr. Cassie Glenn, Assistant Professor, Director| Clinical Psychology, YR² Lab| ODU
  • Dr. Darylnet Lyttle, Director| Student 健康| ODU
  • Dr. David Taylor, Chair| Sociology and Criminal Justice| Hampton University

11月10日举行, 2022, and sponsored by the Office of 机构股票 and 多样性, 艺术与文学学院, 英语系, and the Office of Campus Life and 多样性 at Norfolk State University, "This is Tsenacomoco" highlighted the Indigenous 文化s of the Powhatan peoples, 一个曾经强大的美洲原住民部落联盟,其领土占据了弗吉尼亚东部的大部分地区, including the land on which ODU and NSU stand today. 演讲和小组讨论的目的是提高人们对这片土地丰富历史的认识, 向原居民致敬, and to recognize their enduring relationship to the land. 这也是一个机会,使我们能够制定战略,对我们土著社区的需要作出反应. 目前, ODU和NSU的成员正在努力建立一个土地确认,以供每个校区使用.


  • Dr. Drew Lopenzina教授|英语| ODU
  • 科尔Matheson
  • Hailey Holmes, Project Manager| Virginia Tribal Education Consortium
  • Kara Canady, CEO| Virginia Tribal Education Consortium
  • Dr. 劳伦·艾希勒,讲师|哲学 & 宗教研究| ODU
  • Dr. Andrew Fisher, Associate Professor| 历史| William & 玛丽
  • Keith Anderson, Chief| Nansemond Indian Tribe

Making Equity Visible in 健康care of African Americans

2月23日, 2022年举行了一次虚拟社区对话,重点是使非裔美国人的医疗保健公平可见. 这次对话是由机构公平和多样性办公室共同主办的, the President's Task Force for 包容的卓越, Eastern Virginia Medical School and the American Red Cross.


  • Dr. LaConda Fanning, Director| 研究生 Medical Education| EVMS
  • Dr. Janice Hawkins, Clinical Associate Professor| ODU School of Nursing
  • 牧师. H. Patrick Cason, Senior Pastor, Bethany Baptist Church (Chesapeake, Virginia)
  • Iris Lundy, Director, Senior Director of 健康 Equity |Sentara| ODU 校友
  • Katie Niehoff, Executive Director| American Red Cross



欢迎来到社区对话2.0! 这个播客系列是为了在认可和/或纪念月之后继续对话而创建的.


股本博士. 路易莎·伊格洛里亚垂直

An Intergenerational Conversation on Violence Against Asian Americans

这一集的主角是弗吉尼亚的名誉桂冠诗人和ODU创意写作教授. Luisa Igloria and her daughter Gabriela Igloria, a senior and President of the Filipino American Student Association (FASA). 他们向我们讲述了美国各地针对亚裔美国人的种族主义和暴力的悠久历史和持续模式, 社会正义的交叉性, and the ways stereotypes mistakenly inform identity.




Our first episode features the work of American historian Dr. 卡米拉·汤森是罗格斯大学的杰出历史教授. She has written Fifth Sun: A New 历史 of the Aztecs, 在这本书中,她通过阿兹特克妇女的视角,仅根据土著人民自己写的文字,探索了阿兹特克人历史的复杂性. Dr. 汤森接受了我们自己的医生的采访. Angelica Huizar和Veleka Gatling.




周二, 3月8日, 机构公平和多样性办公室和君主包容性卓越工作组主办了多样性对话日, programming created by the Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities (VCIC). 来自潮水地区6所高中的60名学生和教育工作者齐聚一堂,参加了以“停止学校中的刻板印象”为主题的研讨会."

The day opened with a visit from ODU's very own Big Blue who greeted, 跳舞, and took photos with the students as they entered the Webb Center. 招生办的一名代表对来到校园表示欢迎,并提供了为什么ODU应该是他们选择的大学的信息. 作为合作伙伴, 来自Dominion Energy的Paula Miller也对该小组表示欢迎,并解释了这种编程对员工的重要性.

Led by facilitators representing Tidewater 社区 College, 是基督教女青年会, 和ODU, 学生们参加了一些活动,这些活动挑战他们批判性地思考自己的环境,以及他们在学校里看到的刻板印象. 在分组讨论组中, 学生们被要求指出他们或他们认识的人被排除在外的情况, 被排除在外, or discriminated against because of stereotypes. This led to a conversation around bystanders, 支持者, 和盟友, 三者之间的区别, and how they could create communities of 支持者 和盟友. 在一天结束的时候, 学生们回到北咖啡馆分享他们所学到的知识,并为各自的学校制定行动计划.

君主工作队的两名成员包容性卓越,担任小组协调员:博士. 盐川光江和克里斯蒂娜·利普玛. 该工作组由一群高技能的教职员工组成,他们共同努力推进多样性, 股本, and inclusion throughout all aspects of the campus community. "I was impressed with the passion these students possess, the richness of their perceptions concerning stereotypes and diversity, and the ways in which they shared what actions are needed for change,”博士说。. Shiokawa. As a former middle and high school English teacher, Dr. Shiokawa认为,参与多样性对话日非常重要,不仅可以帮助年轻人识别刻板印象, but also to aid in finding their voices to speak out, 分享他们的经历, 头脑风暴解决方案.

88年来, VCIC随着英联邦不断变化的社会和政治气候而继续发展. Founded in 1935 on the campus of Lynchburg College (now the University of Lynchburg), 一个多元化, multi-宗教 cohort met to respond to the Antisemitic, 那个时代的反天主教情绪. 当地新教, 天主教, 犹太领袖组织起来发展交流和理解的教育项目. This founding group called itself the Lynchburg Roundtable, and soon local chapters were established across Virginia, 包括这里的诺福克市.

VCIC has come a long way from promoting interfaith understanding, 对种族歧视的回应, 宗教, and ethnic changes throughout the Commonwealth for nearly nine decades. 他们为期一天的青年研讨会, summer teacher workshops and student institutes, 此外,初中和高中课程在实现“通过包容实现成功”的使命方面也变得至关重要.“本组织意识到,建设性和包容性的对话不是凭空发生的, 但是需要仔细规划, 故意设计, 以及清晰的沟通.

对话多样性日每年在英联邦各区域举办四次. 最靠谱的网赌软件 and VCIC have been in collaboration for over 10 years. 事实上,2022年秋季的多元化对话日在ODU半岛中心举行. 有关弗吉尼亚包容性社区中心(VCIC)及其项目的更多信息,请 访问他们的网站.