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RESEARCH生 Assistantships

Financial Awards for RESEARCH生 Students

RESEARCH生助教奖学金提供给符合RESEARCH生助教奖学金指导方针下列出的要求的全日制RESEARCH生. Stipends vary by program 和 college. To find out about available assistantships, contact your graduate program director. Assistantships outside of your program may also be advertised through Career Development 服务s学生参与 & 注册服务.

Nature of RESEARCH生 Assistantships

A RESEARCH生 Assistant (GA) is expected to participate directly in either instructional, RESEARCH, or administrative duties in support of the ongoing activities of the University's academic, RESEARCH, 服务单位.

这是学校的意图,使助教奖学金的学生的RESEARCH生教育的一个不可分割的和有价值的一部分. It should be viewed as an apprenticeship in teaching, RESEARCH, or administrative service.

Categories of RESEARCH生 Assistants

Administrative Assistant (GAA)

Participates directly in the support of the activities of a University administrative unit (e.g. student services or athletics).

RESEARCH Assistant (GRA)

直接参与由教师或管理人员进行的RESEARCH或支持活动. 大学承认两类RESEARCH生RESEARCH助理的职责和活动:gra教员助理和gra项目助理

  • GRA-教师 Assistants assist faculty on non-sponsored RESEARCH activities.
  • gra项目助理协助教师资助的RESEARCH项目,这些项目是由旧道明大学RESEARCH基金会管理的外部赠款和合同资助的, or through funds generated by the Educational Foundation or gift accounts.

教学 Assistant (GTA)

Participates directly in teaching activities, such as the teaching of a course, holds responsibility for a laboratory section, or is assigned to specific instructional support or related activities. 大学承认两个级别的RESEARCH生助教的职责和活动:gta讲师和gta助理.

  • gta讲师直接与学生进行沟通和互动,以传递成功完成课程所需的知识或技能. Included in this category are graduate students who serve as instructors, laboratory supervisors, 习题课的领导人, 和导师.
  • GTA-Assistants do not directly instruct students; instead, they serve as graders 和/or classroom or laboratory assistants.

信息 For Students

应用ing for an Assistantship

Application forms for graduate assistantship stipends paid by the University (GTAs, 肝, 和 GAAs) are available from the Office of 入学s or from the University's web page. 填妥的表格, 连同申请人的一篇简短的文章,讨论学术兴趣和职业目标, 必须提交给适当的RESEARCH生项目主任或办公室进行预约吗, as soon as possible for fullest consideration. 由ODURF资助的GRA职位的申请由担任首席RESEARCH员的教员提出, 系主任, or graduate program director.


  1. 只有在完整和充分评估的证书和良好的学术地位的基础上以常规或临时身份被RESEARCH生学位课程录取的学生才有资格被任命为RESEARCH生助教. 申请聘任RESEARCH生助教(GTA)的附加条件(见聘任部分).
  2. 所有被任命为RESEARCH生助教的学生都需要验证他们的身份和就业资格,并填写I-9表格, according to University procedures, prior to commencing their duties. 这一规定是为了遵守1986年《最靠谱的网赌软件》. Students are also required to complete the Child 支持 Disclosure 和 Authorization Form, the Commonwealth of Virginia's Policy on Alcohol 和 Other Drugs Form, ODU Use of Electronic Communications 和 Social Media Form, the Commonwealth of Virginia Selective 服务 Form, 和 the Employee Payroll Direct Deposit Authorization Form.
  3. Students who are not in good academic st和ing are ineligible to hold an assistantship. Assistantship appointments will be terminated for any student whose GPA is less than 3.0.


RESEARCH生助教奖学金要求每周服务20小时,通常为期一学年,绩效期为9个月. For a GTA (instructors 和 administrative assistants), 每学期不超过6小时的课堂教学或9小时的实验室指导, plus normal preparation time.

提名应在就业学期前至少30天提交,以确保有足够的时间进行处理. 如果助学金或合同的条件要求,通过助学金或合同资助的RESEARCH生助理可以被任命为较短的期限.

助教的工作量(每周20小时)可以在相应学院院长的批准下划分为教学和RESEARCH职责. A graduate assistant appointment may be renewed upon nomination, review of qualifications, 和 satisfactory previous performance.


全职(每周20小时)RESEARCH生助理在其助教期间不允许接受额外的校园就业. 特别是, graduate assistants (graduate teaching assistants, graduate RESEARCH assistants, (RESEARCH生行政助理)兼职教学或其他校园工作,除了他们的正常职责外,不得获得报酬. 此政策的例外情况只能在特殊情况下进行,并且只有在RESEARCH生项目主任和部门/学院主席的书面推荐下,才能获得相应学院院长或同等管理人员的批准. Any outside employment (i.e., off-campus) should be undertaken with caution 和 in consultation with the GPD. 它不应以任何方式对学业成绩或助教职责和责任产生不利影响. 针对国际学生的就业指南信息可以从签证和移民服务咨询办公室(Visa)获得。.


RESEARCH生助理是否应该认为他/她被分配的职责和/或履行这些职责所需的工作量不符合大学毕业生目录政策, 他/她应该首先尝试与他/她的学术/非学术直接主管和解. If the grievance is not resolved, RESEARCH生助理将要求他/她的RESEARCH生项目主任(GPD)调解他/她与直接主管之间的不满. If the GPD is the student's immediate supervisor, the GPD chair/dean's designee will attempt to mediate. If the chair is the student's supervisor, the GPD shall refer the case directly to the dean or the dean's designee. If this course of action does not resolve the grievance, GPD/主席/院长指定人员将寻求与学生直接主管的主管进行调解. If a resolution cannot be achieved, 主席/院长指定人将任命一个特设委员会,该委员会由学生所在部门的两名高级教员和另一部门的一名高级教员组成. If the student's assistantship is a non-academic unit, the third member will be a senior level administrator from the nonacademic unit. Should the committee not resolve the grievance, it will be referred to the dean of the student's college for a final decision. For matters involving sexual harassment 和/or discrimination, please see the "Student Complaint Procedure" or the "Discrimination Policy" in this catalog.

信息 For 教师 & 工作人员



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