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奖助金 & 2014年5月合同

RESEARCH基金会于2014年5月宣布以下拨款和合同. 奖励金额是整个资助期的预期总额. 该清单不包括补充剂, 对现有赠款或合同的修改或其他更改. 对于多于一名调查员的奖项, 列出的第一个教员是首席RESEARCH员.

霍莉·汉德里, 工程管理, "Driving Distractions Human View 建模 for Volvo Group Trucks 技术"; Volvo 技术 of America, $30,000.

JAMES F. 保尔森, 心理学, "Pectus Carinatum Body Image and Patient Quality of Life Study"; Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters, $12,000.

TODD EGERTON, 生物科学, "Lake Guija Phytoplankton Monitoring Project: 2014"; Everlife S.A., $2,754.

琼DELAYEN, 物理, "Development of a Crabbing System for the LHC Upgrade - FY 14"; Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, $250,000.

韦恩·L. 海因斯和霍莉·加夫, 生物科学, "Tidewater Spotted Fever Surveillance in the Hampton Roads Region"; Henry M. 杰克逊基金会,1万美元.

汉斯难陀, 海洋, 地球与大气科学, "Great Alert Prototype Development and Demonstration"; Jet Propulsion Laboratory, $60,000.

PETER BERNATH, 化学与生物化学, "Molecular Opacities for Exoplanets"; NASA-Headquarters, $423,000.

查理一世. SUKENIK, 物理, "Diagnostics for Characterizing Hypersonic Wakes"; National Institute of Aerospace Associates, $17,113.

GUANG-LEA LEE, 教与学, "Tidewater Writing Project"; National Writing Project, $20,000.

YAOHANG李, 计算机科学, "Career: Novel Sampling Approaches for Protein 建模 Applications"; National Science Foundation, $11,307.

亨利·罗奇·哈维和凯瑟琳·菲利皮诺, 海洋, 地球与大气科学, "REU SITE: An Interdisciplinary Program for Climate Change Science in Metropolitan Coastal Communities at 最靠谱的网赌软件"; National Science Foundation, $181,832.

玛格丽特穆赫兰, 海洋, 地球与大气科学, "Collaborative RESEARCH: Dinitrogen Fixation Rates and Diazotrophic Communities in Contrasting Oxygen Regimes of the Eastern Pacific Ocean"; National Science Foundation, $501,142.

安吉拉·埃克霍夫和彼得·贝克, 教与学, "State of Early Childhood Initiative"; 最靠谱的网赌软件, $112,500.

戴尔·纳什和比利·M. REED, Virginia Commercial Space Flight Authority, "Demo Launch"; Orbital Sciences Corp., $23,700.

戴尔·纳什和比利·M. REED, Virginia Commercial Space Flight Authority, "Demo Launch"; Orbital Sciences Corp., $16,430.

艾琳E. 霍夫曼, 海岸物理海洋学中心, “人口增长的协同影响, 城市化, and Climate Change on Watershed and Coastal Ecology of the Northeastern United States"; Pennsylvania State University, $25,365.

吉斯RABADI, 工程管理, "Analytics for System-Wide Infrastructure and Capacity Planning for Qatar 2022 FIFA World Cup"; Qatar University, $33,258.

杰罗姆·C. BRINKER, ODU Business Gateway, "Sentara 2014-48"; Sentara Hospitals, $7,000.

杰罗姆·C. BRINKER, ODU Business Gateway, "Sentara 2014-51"; Sentara Hospitals, $7,000.

拉里·P. 阿特金森, 海岸物理海洋学中心, "Ray Toll Statement of Work for US IOOS QA/QC of Real Time Ocean Data (January 2014-March 2014)"; State University of New Jersey (all campuses), $25,000.

玛丽L. 桑迪, 弗吉尼亚太空资助协会, "RESEARCH生 RESEARCH Award Program on Public Sector Aviation Issues and Airport RESEARCH for Universities"; The National Academies, $340,000.

理查德·G. WHITTECAR, 海洋, 地球与大气科学, 白垩纪三角洲和第四纪沙丘——帕特里克的地质, S.C. (1:24,000) Quadrangle"; U.S. 地质调查,10,475美元.

查尔斯·E. 海德,斯蒂芬·布尔特曼,莫斯科·阿玛瑞恩,盖尔·e. 塞巴斯蒂安·道奇. KUHN and LARRY WEINSTEIN, 物理, "Quarks to Nuclei"; U.S. 能源部,72.2万美元.

玛丽L. 桑迪, 弗吉尼亚太空资助协会, "STEMTASTIC"; Virginia Department of Education, $46,728.

罗伯特一个. 山墙, 沟通障碍和特殊教育, "VTTS Virginia Beach-PBIS Behavior Forum"; Virginia Department of Education, $277,000.

约翰年轻, 各种ODU单元, 贝弗利·福布斯, 职业发展服务, "2014 EEAP"; 弗吉尼亚太空资助协会, $10,000.



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