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奖助金 and 合同 for October 2021

肖恩BANAEE, Community and Environmental 健康, Program on Occupational 健康与安全 Education on Emerging Technologies - Mid Atlantic Partnership (POCCET Map); Johns-Hopkins University, $22,288.00.

约书亚原意, VMASC, 拉斐尔·迪亚兹, 布丽姬特贾尔斯, scc - civil - fa B轨收敛, 库存, 匹配, And Assignment (CIMA) To Optimize Post-Event 住房 Repair for Displaced Vulnerable Populations; National Science Foundation, $1,000,000.00.

肯特·卡彭特, 生物科学, Vulnerability Assessment of Coral Reef Fishes in The Marine Ornamental Trade; VA Institute of Marine Science, $33,890.00.

约翰·卡特拉瓦斯,Med Diag & Trans Sci, SBIR: A Ptp4A3 Inhibitor for Sars-Cov-2 Mediated Acute Lung Injury; Kevirx, Inc, $83,947.00.

DOOYOUNG崔, STEM教育/教授/ Std, Discovering 健康y and Risky Consumption for Self-Sexualizing 女性 , 消费者RESEARCH协会, $1,500.00.

格雷戈里•迪沃, 各种ODU单元, Selective Enforcement - Speed; VA Department of Motor Vehicles, $22,120.00.

琼DELAYEN, 物理, 帕亚加拉格·德·席尔瓦, 汗IFTEKHARUDDIN, RESEARCH生 Traineeships in Accelerator Engineering and 物理; US Department of Energy, $450,000.00.

哈尼·艾尔赛义德·阿里,电气公司 & 计算机中, Cylindrical Magnetron Sputtering for Superconducting Radiofrequency Cavities, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, $20,000.00.

巴里这时警报声响起, VMASC, DARRYL AMASON, 霍莉·汉德里, 杰西卡·约翰逊, 克里斯托弗•林奇, Curriculum Enhancement and Simulation for DHS Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers; Stevens Institute of Tech, $750,000.00.

ERIKA FRYDENLUND, VMASC, Equity-Focused Community RESEARCH to Understand Vaccine Hesitancy in Hampton Roads, 最靠谱的网赌软件, $100,904.00.

罗伯特·盖博,通讯障碍 & Special Ed, STEPHEN TONELSON, Preschool- Special Ed Training and Tech Assist Center Regions 2& 3 (2021-2023); VA Dept Of Education, $424,171.00.

兰迪·盖尼,社会学 & 刑事司法, MURAT KUZLU, CCI: Cybercrime in Virginia 影响s on Industry and Citizens; 最靠谱的网赌软件, $149,683.00.

凯瑟琳·格伦, 心理学, Digital Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (DCBT-I) To Reduce Suicide Risk Among Youth Following Discharge from Acute Hospitalization; State University Of New Jersey (All Campuses), $115,193.00.

GEORGE HAGERMAN JR, 海岸物理海洋中心, Ocean Energy 安全 Institute 2; Texas A&M University (All Campuses), $37,400.00.

艾琳•霍夫曼, 海岸物理海洋中心, 约翰KLINCK, Transmission Pathways of Seagrass Wasting Disease in Coastal Meadows; Cornell University, $30,812.00.

杰西卡·约翰逊, VMASC, 凯瑟琳•史密斯, IRAD: All Hands: Augmented 学习 Linked Holistically as Naval Design Studios; 最靠谱的网赌软件, $44,876.00.

塞缪尔·科瓦契奇,工程管理 & 系统中, ANDRES SOUSA-POZA, Digital Engineering Implications on Decision Making Process - WRT-1045; Stevens Institute of Tech, $249,264.00.

MURAT KUZLU, 工程技术, VUKICA约万诺维奇, CCI: Developing A Smart City Virtual Lab to 支持 Cps Experiential 学习; 最靠谱的网赌软件, $150,000.00.

KEVIN LESLIE, VMASX, IRAD: HRBRC Admin & Travel Funds; 最靠谱的网赌软件, $19,223.00.

JOHN NUNNERY, Institute for Innovation & Entrepreneurship; WBC Workplan FY 21-22; Small Business 政府, $150,000.00.

布莱恩·波特, RESEARCH生院, NOROU DIAWARA, Virginia Seat Belt and Core Survey 2022; VA Department of Motor Vehicles, $255,180.00.

布莱恩·波特, RESEARCH生院, 兰迪GAINEY, YUSUKE YAMANI, Occupant Protection in Virginia: Pressing Evaluation Results Through to Implementation of Programs; VA Department of Motor Vehicles, $138,138.00.

希瑟·里希特, VMASC, 亚历克斯·尼尔森, Digital Neighborhoods IOT/Geospatial Hybrid Hyper-Local Environments Study; 最靠谱的网赌软件, $125,000.00.

MARY SANDY, VSGC, COVA CCI 本科 RESEARCH; 最靠谱的网赌软件, $40,000.00.

MARY SANDY, VSGC, Stem Takes Flight At VCCS; Virginia Community College System, $177,400.00.

渝中区沈, Computation 建模 and Simulation Engineering, A Cloud-Based Mobile Measuring and Analysis System for Treatment of Chest Wall Deformities; 最靠谱的网赌软件, $58,445.00.

萨钦谢蒂, Computation 建模 and Simulation Engineering, 彼得FOYTIK, JOHN SHULL Extended Reality Enabled 5G Telementoring; 最靠谱的网赌软件, $115,000.00.

纳维德·塔维尔达里,平民 & 环境中, Chesapeake Bay Bridge and Tunnel Scour Study- Phase 1: Field Measurements; Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel, $9,062.00.

(吴, 网络安全学院, 网络安全 Job Creation System (CJCS); Reinvent Hampton Roads, $1,450,000.00

春生鑫,电器 & 计算机中, (吴, CCI: Beamforming Optimization For 5G And Beyond; 最靠谱的网赌软件, $50,000.00.

春生鑫,电器 & 计算机中, 丹赵, CCI: A Minimum Viable Product to Secure IOT Devices Through Power Auditing and 隐私 Preserved Convolutional Neural Networks; 最靠谱的网赌软件, $21,333.00.

徐天兵,机械 & Aerospace Eng, Energy Harvesting System for Aircraft Wireless Sensor Networks; Lynntech, Inc., $177,592.00.

小杨, 心理学, Assessing 影响 on Airline Dispatcher Performance Due to Use of Risk Prediction and Mitigation 技术 in Traditional Aviation Operations; National Institute of Aerospace Associates, $16,501.00.

JUITA优素福, 公共服务学院, 玛丽娜SAITGALINA, Connecting Universities for 弹性 RESEARCH Accessible to End Users (CUR2ATE); University Of North Carolina (All Campuses), $25,000.00.

克里斯托弗ZAJCHOWSKI, 人体运动科学, RESEARCH to Inform 访问or Use Management at Manassas National Battlefield Park; National Park 服务, $88,999.00.



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