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米歇尔AUDETTE, 计算建模与仿真工程“,, AF21A-TCS01: Phase I Open Call for Innovative Defense-Related Dual Purposed Technologies/Solutions; MAS 全球 Solutions, $15,000.00.

丹尼尔BARSHIS, 生物科学, Construction of A Coral Bleaching Automated Stress System; Pennsylvania State University, $5,000.00.

丹尼尔BARSHIS, 生物科学, 全球 搜索 for Genetic Regulators of Coral 弹性 to Thermal Stress; Universitat of Konstanz, $980,049.00.

彼得·伯纳斯,化学 & Biochemistry, Speciation of Sage-III/ISS Aerosols; NASA-Headquarters, $108,422.00.

科林·布里彻,机械部 & 航空航天英格, Subsonic Magnetic Suspension Wind Tunnel for Use Extracting Pitch Damping Data of Blunt Body Entry Vehicles; National Institute of Aerospace Associates, $73,726.00.

伊丽莎白·伯恩斯, STEM教育/教授/ Std, 信息 Literacy Instruction: Bridging the Pk-20 Gap; Inst of Museum and Library 服务s, $62,813.00.

丹尼斯·克莱本, 口腔卫生, DEANNE舒曼, 七张, Examining Low-Income Caregivers' Knowledge and Comprehension of Pediatric Dental Terminology Associated with The Dental Caries Process: Mixed-Methods Approach; American 口腔卫生 Association, $4,000.00.

杰米·科尔威尔,教学 & 学习, A Partnership to Implement the Inclusive 计算机科学 Model of Professional Development and Digital 学习 Platform to 支持 Pk-6 计算机科学 Instruction for Students with Disabilities; George Mason University, $28,787.00.

卡罗尔很远, ICAR, 托马斯•艾伦, 罗伯特·麦克纳布, 杰西卡·怀特海德, JUITA优素福, Virginia Beach Stormwater Bond Initiative Assistance; City of Virginia Beach, $103,500.00.

贾斯汀海格勒, 人体运动科学, (ODU 4VA)残疾影响社会规范的合作RESEARCH, 偏见, And Opportunity; 最靠谱的网赌软件, $2,000.00.

UKWATTA JAYARATHNA, 计算机科学, ALLISON CHAPPEL, 安妮PERROTTI, SCC-PG: Exploring Stem Educational Delivery for Youth in Norfolk Juvenile Detention Center; National Science Foundation, $150,000.00.

YOUNGHAN荣格, 工程技术, Developments of A Real-Time Simulation Model Based on The Cyber Physical System and A Decision 支持 System for Management and Maintenance for Urban Water 资源; Seoul National University of Science and 技术, $8,814.00

米歇尔•凯利, 心理学, Adaptation of Mindfulness Training to Treat Moral Injury in 退伍军人; US 公共卫生 服务 (National Institutes of 健康-NIH), $285,080.00.

瑞安麦肯, 康复科学学院, 脑震荡的影响, 下肢损伤, And Cognitive Load On Landing Biomechanics; Virginia Athletic Trainers Association, $991.00.

玛格丽特穆赫兰, 海洋与地球科学, HRSD Year 5 资金 Supplement; Hampton Roads Sanitation District Commission, $99,749.02.

玛格丽特穆赫兰, 海洋与地球科学, (ODU 4VA) Toxic Cyanbacteria as An Emerging 健康 Threat in Virginia; 最靠谱的网赌软件, $5,000.00.

迈克尔·纳尔逊, 计算机科学, 苏KIMMEL, 杰西卡·里奇, 米歇尔·韦格尔, (吴, A RESEARCH生 Certificate in Web Archiving; Inst of Museum and Library 服务s, $98,361.00.

迈克尔·纳尔逊, 计算机科学, 不是你父母的网络:范围, 分割, 稳定, 弹性, And Persistence; Protocol Labs, $75,000.00.

YIANNIS PAPELIS, VMASC, MENION CROLL, High Fidelity Maritime Traffic Generation and Testing Scenario Control Continued 支持 to Naval ASTC; Naval Surface Weapons Center, $249,998.00.

布莱恩·波特, RESEARCH生院, 你VANDECAR-BURDIN, 对疯狂饮食的回应, Drink and Be Driven PSA Survey RFP; Mothers Against Drunk Driving, $20,000.00.

马克·雷弗斯,咨询公司 & 人类服务, 克里斯蒂卡莱尔, 杰米H艺术FIELD, 杰森·索耶, 詹妮弗•西蒙斯, NARKETTA SPARKMAN-KEY, SHUNTAY塔沃, CHANIECE温菲尔德, 人类服务 Paraprofessional Expansion Program (HSPEP); US 公共卫生 服务 (健康 资源 and 服务s 政府- HRSA), $566,000.00.

加里·沙夫兰,公民 & 环境中, RESEARCH生 RESEARCH Assistant 资金 to 支持 Biological Nutrient Removal RESEARCH; Hampton Roads Sanitation District Commission, $53,754.00.

彼得SEDWICK, 海洋与地球科学, 美国Geotraces Gp17-Oce:溶解铝的船上测量, Fe and Mn in The South Pacific Gyre and Southern Ocean; National Science Foundation, $337,734.00.

萨钦谢蒂, 计算建模与仿真工程“,, Collaborative RESEARCH: CISE-MSI: RCBP-RF: IIS-RI: Quantifiable Framework for Ai Model Verification and Improvement in Cyber-Physical Systems; National Science Foundation, $60,000.00.

激情STUDIVANT, 学生支援服务, 学生支援服务; US Department of Education, $376,155.00.

STEPHEN TONELSON,通讯障碍 & 特殊教育, 罗伯特·盖博, Norfolk Public Schools - Azalea Gardens Middle School; Norfolk Public Schools, $11,160.00.

(吴, 网络安全学院, 春生鑫, Collaborative RESEARCH: CCRI: New: Medium: A Development and Experimental Environment for 隐私-Preserving and Secure (Deepsecure) Machine 学习; National Science Foundation, $780,000.00.

春生鑫,电器 & 计算机中, 安东尼·迪安, (吴, 丹赵, 2021Dod CYSP Grant Program ODU; National Security Agency, $315,908.00.

春生鑫,电器 & 计算机中, 凯伦SANZO, (吴, 丹赵, 网络安全+AI: A Gencyber Camp in The Age of AI To Train K-12 Teachers for Classroom 教学 of 网络安全; National Security Agency, $145,398.00.

徐天兵,机械 & 航空航天英格, Multifunctional Boron Nitride Nanotube (BNNT) And BNNT Composites and Devices in Extreme Aerospace Environments; National Institute of Aerospace Associates, $46,806.00.

丹赵, 计算机科学, 塔米骰子, (吴, CHUNSHEG鑫, Old Dominion Gencyber: Combination Experiential 学习 in Cyber Defense for JROTC Students and Teachers; National Security Agency, $175,000.00.



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