风险报告 & 政策

University 风险报告

租用的12和/或15辆客货车应为福特Transit 12或15辆客货车. 这些车辆的司机在获得完全许可之前需要接受并通过所需的培训.

Drivers needing to rent 12 and 15 passenger vans first need to take and pass 运输 : 15 Passenger Van 安全 through the ODU-Safe大学 Online training platform.


  1. Click the link to take the course: 运输 : 15 Passenger Van 安全. You will need to enter your ODU Midas credentials to access the 19-minute course.
  2. 课程结束后,将进行测试,通过测试后将获得证书.
  3. Email your certificate to the 风险管理办公室 where upon receipt it will be signed and returned to you.
  4. Then send the signed certificate to ODU 采购服务 to obtain authorization to rent a 12 or 15 passenger van.

Domestic Field Trip 紧急应变计划

应急计划将提供指导方针,以便在出现紧急情况时协助旅行协调员和实地旅行参与者. 实地考察协调员应行使其最佳判断力,以便在应对计划中未解决的意外情况出现时,将所有参与者的风险或伤害降到最低. A faculty member should attend in person all off-site domestic field trips.

  • Immediately call 911 in all cases involving serious injury or death, 多个受伤, or extensive property damage. The first priority is to care for any injured individuals.
  • 作为你计划的一部分, 列出最终目的地附近能够提供援助的医院或其他设施的名称和位置
医院的名字 医院地址
  • Remain with any injured student participants, 视情况而定, until relieved by a responsible individual, 比如家庭成员, 医疗人员, or authorized Univeristy personnel.
  • 在情况稳定后,尽快与学院院长和校园警察联系.
院长的名字 紧急联系电话
校园警察 派遣人数
  • 在旅行协调员丧失行动能力的情况下,将承担执行应急计划责任的实地旅行参与者姓名.
Backup Trip Coordinator(s) Name - 要求
  • Depending on the trip specifics, 可能需要额外的紧急联系信息,如校外警察局, field trip site directors or administrators, 部门经理, 等.
Additional 紧急 联系s 紧急联系电话

如果您在制定应急响应计划时有任何问题或需要帮助, contact the ODU Office of 紧急 Managment at 757-683-5116.

In regards to personal property stored at ODU, the university has very limited responsibility for damages, 偷来的, 或者丢失的个人财产. Personal property are items owned by an individual and brought on campus by faculty, 工作人员, 学生或访客. Unless ODU's negligence was clearly responsible for the loss or damage, 联邦风险管理计划(Plan)将不会支付维修或更换费用. 在很多情况下, 然而, 个人的房主或房客保险可以为位于住所以外的财产提供保险.

只有当教职员工的职位描述要求使用特定的个人物品作为就业条件时,计划才会赔偿个人财产的损失或损坏. 在这种情况下, 保险索赔将以与大学财产索赔相同的方式处理.

TIPS: Keeping items safe on campus

  • Don't leave valuables in plain sight. Personal property such as laptops, 平板电脑, 手机, and other small electronic items should never be left unattended. Secure items in a locked drawer or 办公室 when not in use.
  • Don't leave items unattended. Small items such as wallets, purses and keys are common targets of 盗窃. These articles should be kept with you or secured at all times. Keep in mind that leaving items in jackets or backpacks does not make them secure.
  • 锁定. Offices, labs, and dorm room doors should be locked when the room in not being used.
  • Get 保险 for your belongings. Check with your homeowner insurance 之前 bringing items on campus. 拍照并记录物品的序列号和规格等信息,以便您需要对财产的损失或损坏提出索赔.
  • 锁好你的车. Don't leave valuables in your vehicle in plain sight. 把物品锁在锁好的后备箱里,把车停在校园里时千万不要开锁.

When Loss or damage does occur, report all incidents to 奥多警察局.

Students 事件 are an important part of the academic experience enjoyed at ODU. Well-formed plans can prevent innumerable foreseeable events from occurring. Thorough pre-event plans are essential to managing risk, as they allow for appropriate mitigation strategies to be set in place. 管理风险是成为一个成功的学生组织的重要组成部分,也是许多校园活动得以举办的原因. The best time to undertake a comprehensive risk management program is 之前 an incident occurs at an event.

如果你或你的学生团体正在计划一个校外聚会,首先要采取的步骤之一是 注册你的派对 与ODU公共安全部门合作,确保校园警察了解并能够协助您处理活动的安全需求.

Below are some of the risks to be aware of and plan for during a typical event:

  • 物理风险:
    身体风险包括对参与者身体健康的潜在威胁. Physical risks can include such things as food poisoning, injuries that may result from the activity or event or travel to and from the event, or physical harm that can result from the behavior of other participants.
  • 声誉风险:
    声誉风险是指那些可能会给你的组织带来负面影响的事情, ODU, your advisor and/or the venue where you are holding the event.
  • 情感上的风险:
    情绪风险指的是你的活动可能给任何参与者带来的情绪困扰. Examples of emotional risks might include harassment, 情感创伤, 极度恐惧或焦虑, 冒犯或厌恶, rejection or discrimination that occur as a result of the event.
  • 财务风险:
    财务风险是事件的潜在负面后果,可能会对您的组织和/或支持您的事件的其他组织的财务稳定性产生负面影响. Examples might include misuse of organization funds, few attendees than are needed to cover costs, poor accounting procedures, 盗窃, 意料之外的开支.
  • 设施风险:
    设施风险是指您举办活动的设施所面临的风险或设施本身固有的风险. Facility issues might include fire codes, 最大的能力, 视听的问题, 加热和冷却, damage to the facility during your event, 还有停车问题.
  • 附加险:
    Additional risks involved might be behavior of other users of the facility, facility structural concerns, 以及天气挑战.



注册的学生可以通过填写派对登记表来注册他们的校外派对. You can learn more by visiting 方智能 通过阅读 政党登记指南.

出国旅行和留学的参与者需要了解出国旅行和在特定国家或地区生活可能特有的额外风险. It is recommended that students visit the State Department Alerts and Warnings 页面,在离开该国之前查看国务院国际旅行咨询.

牛津大学制定了一项大学旅行风险管理政策,要求所有教职员工和一些学生在大学支持的商务旅行或由监管第三方资助的旅行中,在大学进行旅行登记 旅行的注册表.

本政策规定了ODU拥有或租赁的未经许可的电动或燃气动力车辆(高尔夫球车和鳄鱼)在大学园内的操作标准. 它适用于所有ODU员工、学生和所有大学地点的承包商.